
The Club itself offers training courses in boat handling and sail trim, dates for which can be found on the programme. RYA training courses are offered through the Army Sailing Association, of which the Club is a corporate member.

The Army Sailing Association (ASA)

Club members have access to all practical and shore based courses run by the ASC, at competitive prices.

Step 1. Find the course for you.

Step 2. Complete the application form. Leave blank any sections that only apply to the Army.  Don’t forget to enter “CSSA/24” in the ASA Membership number box.

Step 3. Email the form to Lisa: do not send any payment at this stage. You will receive an email confirmation of availability, or not, on the course from Lisa.

Step 4. Once Lisa has confirmed your place on the course. Make a BACS payment direct to ASA using the bank details on the application form.

Step 5. Approximately 4 weeks before the course you will receive detailed joining instructions for your course.

If you have any queries email Lisa: or Guy Bennett:

Becoming a CSSA Approved Skipper

Approved Skippers must hold RYA YM Coastal, YM Offshore or YM Ocean certificates. CSCSC doesn’t offer these courses/exams but they are available to members through the ASA (see above).

Day skippers who want to progress to becoming a CSSA Approved Skipper will benefit from a mentor through the 1-2-1 scheme. 

Non-RYA introductory events and short practical courses

  • Introductory Day Sails – These are fun days out on the Solent’s sheltered waters that are intended to give a taster to novice crews to help decide whether sailing is for them.
  • Boat Handling under Sail and PowerMore info
  • Electronic Plotter Course – This is an 1/2 to 1-day course held on Sea Essay which give users hands-on experience designed to get the best out of the equipment fitted to Sea Essay.   Contact
  • Radar Practical – This is currently under development but will provide an opportunity for members to practice navigation, pilotage and collision avoidance using radar.
  • 1-2-1 Mentor Scheme – If you are interested in finding a sailing mentor or if you are a skipper interested in supporting members’ progression see the Mentoring Scheme – 1-2-1

RYA Practical Courses

Channel Sailing Division is not an RYA Recognised Training Establishment so formal RYA courses will be delivered in association with the ASA (see above).

  • Competent Crew (no previous experience required), Day Skipper and Coastal Skipper – 5-day RYA syllabus with instruction by RYA qualified Skipper Instructors.  If competent, students receive an RYA Course Completion Certificate.
  • Pre-exam preparation & refresher for RYA Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore candidates – 6 or 7 days with candidates demonstrating their abilities in a practical examination with an independent professional RYA Examiner. Successful candidates receive a Certificate of Competence and are eligible to apply for CSSA Approved Skipper status.

Sea Time Cruises

Although not formal training courses, weekend and 7-day cruises can be used to gain RYA logbook entries such as sea time, mileage and night hours that satisfy course and examination requirements. If you are lucky enough to have an RYA instructor aboard, it may also be possible to get sections of the logbook signed-off for specific practical abilities.

Further information
