
Sea Essay of Hamble may be chartered by any CSSA member. If the charterer is not a CSSA Approved Skipper then they will need to arrange for one to take responsibility for the yacht during the charter.

  • The current availability of Sea Essay for chartering is shown on the Sailing Programme together with the status of existing bookings.
  • Each year, CSD organises a Summer Cruise which is a planned series of charters and Sea Time charters. Many of these are often one-way passages.  Members who are interested in taking part in the Summer Cruise as crew should contact the CSD Crew Bureau.
  • Members who wish to organise a charter but who need a CSSA Approved Skipper or crew may seek the assistance of the CSD Crew Bureau.
  • The Terms and Conditions for chartering Sea Essay.

To enquire about or book a charter on Sea Essay please contact the CSD Charter Organiser or use this form: