
New members and new to sailing

See also Getting Started

We suggest that beginners  start by booking a day sail.

  • Opportunities for Day Sails are published on the CSD Sailing Programme and CSSC Website.  All are booked via the CSSC Website.
  • Colin Smith is the point of contact within CSD for organising Day Sails and Group Day Sails and can be contacted via

New member with some experience

Those who have sailed before and want to be informed of sailing opportunities such as Sea Time Cruises and Charters where crew are required should ensure that they are registered with the CSD Crew Bureau.  Whilst a Day Sail might also be a good starting point (see above), members who have sailed before should also consider booking a Sea Time Cruise.

Interested in training or having a mentor

Chartering Sea Essay


Financial matters should be directed to the Treasurer, Clare Glasspool


The CSCSC Captain is Andy Smith

Website / publicity

CSSA Contacts


To feed back on a CSCSC (or CSSC) organised sailing event on Sea Essay please use this online feedback survey


Channel Sailing Division  has a  Facebook Group